Monday, April 16, 2007

You hate my gender!

A lot of years ago I was randomly surfing the Internet. I found what you may call a shitload of websites dedicated to women, and all sort of female activites. "Having problems with your boyfriend?" "Do you get harrassed?" "Single mothers only!".

I remember i got fed up with these websites. As a man, I felt that my gender was'nt represented anywhere. I got so tired of the fact that women were continually getting victimized, and mens problems were literally getting ignored in the mainstream media.

I'm not sure how I came to this conclusion, but I did. I was angry for a lot of years on women in general for various reasons - getting dumped by an ex did'nt cut it. There was more to it at the time, that literally pissed me off. I've been ranting on and on about this until recently, and then I realized that we may have a problem concerning MRA and feminism in general.

There is a whole lot of hate between the two sexes, you don't have to look very far. People, unkowingly, critisize each others sex on a regular basis. When my anger subsided, I started to realize this. I thought that the problem was Misandry, but I realized that a lot of this appearent Misandry had caused a hell lot of Misogyny too - and this represents a problem wich I'm going to explain to you, in what is hopefully a genderless manner.

I find this especially interesting, because you are beginning to find excactly the same tendencies and points on both side of the fence. In the beginning I only noticed the Misandry in society, wich often registers, as these REALLY man-hating quotes that feminist leaders have said. Or the indirect remarks that a lot of women say, that generally point in the direction of hating men. I will give some examples:

"You know very little about feminism and because you are a man, you think you have the authority to comment on something without fully studying or understanding it."
- This is hate towards men. She puts the 'men' in a group of people that never fully study or understand anything. Misandry.

And now a little quote from a Mens Rights Activist. I have a habit of confronting people whenever i see discrimination, and i did this with him:
"I have seen so many men do the wrong thing and back the wrong things all because they were worried the female in the group would not approve of them. That their very manhood rested on the approval of someone who didn't give a rats ass about them to begin with."
- He's accusing all women for not giving a rats ass about any man. Misogyny.

Well, i confronted both of these examples. What did I come up with?


That was the answer.

We need more honesty in this regard, and I'm talking both sexes. Everyone wants to appear like they are better than the one they hate - and ironically - this makes them deny the fact that there is hate. But denying this, leaves people nowhere.

We must confront our own hate in this regard, instead of just denying it. Hate is a legitimate feeling. It's alright for it to be there, because no hate comes without a reason - however, that does'nt make it just. In my world, no expression of hate is just. So we have to confront it.

If people can't admit to themselves that there is hate toward the oter gender, then this uprising and equality "war" will get us nowhere. And now I'm going to adress YOU.

Yes, YOU.

If YOU feel offended by this post, then you have hate. It's as simple as that. So what are YOU going to do now? Keep denying it, and blatantly say that I'm wrong? For the sake of humanity, I hope not.

And yes, I definetly hate women sometimes. I fucking hate women. I hate men too. A lot. And the only way to move on, is by acknowledging that we are not "Man" or "Woman", but "Human" - and that hate is part of being a human. Period. Now confront your hate.

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