Saturday, April 14, 2007


Alright, this is'nt going to be very elaborate. It's just going to cover a few points that i have observed regarding the feminist movement

I have a hard time with feminism for a couple of reasons, but I think i can sum it up rather quickly.

What Feminism does is: It takes the women that men like, and screw them up.

This is pretty obvious for a number of reasons, but it's also true in a lot of deeper levels throughout the feminist society as a whole. The general idea is basically, that they are denying themselves the right to be a woman. It encourages the women to take the ideal woman, and destroy it. The lady, as i'd like to call the feminine stereotype, is a bit of a scarce resource these days really. However, I'm one of the fortunate guys to have met a real one - they are not extinct.

I've always been a bit of a smart-ass, and I'm particularly fond of making remarks on womens behalf. Especially when they behave stupid, test people, or act bitchy. Women do these things sometimes, but, for some reason - real ladies dont.

Why am i making this point? I saw this great guide on how to become a lady on a womans blog wich she advocated every woman to follow. After reading it through, i realized the rules pretty much all applied to a special girl i once met. So i simply had to send the blogowner an e-mail, and here it is:

I've been involved with a lot of women, but the ones that have been the most attractive to me has always been the ladies. I'm somewhat of a prankster, and I usually love to make fun of girls, getting the vibe, flirting, all that kind of stuff.
I met this girl a couple of months ago though. She grew up far away from society in our country, and was raised by her single father. She was always smiling, always making happy remarks, and did'nt ridicule anyone, and a lot more. She literally took my breath away with her class.
Now I've never been the one to shut up, and I always have a witty remark in store for girls just to test them out. But she had this ladylike quality that simply took my breath away. I'm not happy to admit it, but I probably ended up standing there, smiling widely, looking like a total retard.

Well, I'm not the one usually to obsess about women. Actually, I'm probably the last one to do that sort of stuff, as i think it's basically wrong. But in this case, i could'nt help it. She was streaming out this compassion like a hot glow from her smile, and had these deep eyes that glowed hovered out towards me.

She was the sort of girl that always looks good on pictures, always happy. My girlfriend at that time hated her because she had so much success with men without even making an effort. She never sweared, she was always nice, and she was never bitchy at all - at any point - when i was involved with her.

This is the first time I ever met a lady. A truly classy girl, that was'nt fucked up. She was so unspoiled, and so sweet. Like the first apple on a tree in spring. Fragile too. And warm.

I'm not sure how many men actually know of these women, but this is the woman that you don't even want to get in the sack. No matter how much i tried to spit game at her, I simply could'nt get it going. She was like this jewel. The first apple on a tree in spring, just after a nuclear war. So rare, and so scarce, that i thought her to probably be the only one left in the world. I let her go. I felt like i had found something so beautiful, that I simply could'nt spoil her - and when i say i could'nt - I mean my instincts and my heart would'nt allow it no matter how much effort i put into it.

I still think about her a lot.

And you know what? This beautiful woman. This great personality, because yes - it was a personality. Is what feminism destroys. It breaks it. Shatters it to pieces - like monsters erupting a volcano inside a snowflake. Why do these feminists seek to destroy perfection?

It's sad. I don't even know how to feel about that really. It's just so sad.

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